Day 1. This is the worst day of all. The day to reflect on the way you look, and to say "wow, how did i let myself get to this point." All you can do is stop thinking that way, and think what can you do to make yourself better for tomorrow. I used to always get down on myself, because i would think, man if i would have started this 6 months ago, like i planned, i could already see results. Well, it's not that easy, we all have our own personal demons. And I have decided to make today day 1.
What am i doing? I am doing DDPYoga. Can you get results from Yoga? If you don't know the answer to that question, you haven't checked out DDPYoga. This program is intense. Now, i have messed with the program in the passed, just never stuck with a routine, and i semi follow the workout schedule, but i'm increasing it. I may be fat, but my cardiovascular strength is pretty good. I can run several miles, (even at 252 lbs) without stopping. So instead of doing 3 workouts per week, i will be working out 6/7 days a week.
Today, day 1, I started off with Energy. I love the workout, but it just doesn't have enough mmph in it. I'm not underestimating it, but again, my cardio is pretty solid, and i'm actually a semi strong guy, so the moves don't tire me out. I feel this is an amazing start-up. However, then i switch gears and go directly into Fat Burner, no time off, not water break, just boom right into it. And let me tell you, I get sweatier doing that then any p90x workout I've ever done.
Now that my workout is complete my body doesn't have that odd really tired and sore feeling. My body feels as though it has worked out, but it's a more pleasing feeling. My muscles feel relaxed, my spine feels good, and i for whatever reason feel rested.
What am i doing for diet? Well DDPYoga comes with a diet plan, and i think it's great. Am i going to follow it to a T. Probably not. My diet has become pretty bad the last few years, and instead of just diving head first into the eating plan, i'm going to slowly just make healthier decisions, and stay below an 1800 calorie intake.
The reason so many people fail at this, is they set to high of a standard for themselves. THIS IS NOT ABOUT EGO, this is about getting results, and becoming healthy. Honestly i don't care what anyone tells you, fitness is not designed to just jump in and be able to do it, if it was, everyone would be fit. Just think about if their was nothing to being fit healthy, we wouldn't have a 70% obese population. Do you want it bad enough? Where you see results is pushing past your limits. Hey i couldn't do a push up about 3 years ago. Now i can do about 30 or 40 before having to stop. KEEP improving, keep pushing yourself.
Through-out this blog, i'm going to document my workouts, some days it'll be a shorter blog, and some days i'll give you a bit more into my life, my thoughts on things, and other things. I am not a fitness expert, however, i have been given the tools to succeed. And you can do this, and I can do this.
Ready to make a change? At least check it out.
So just know, that today is that day, my starting day, my day is July 3rd 2013, i will be able to look back and see results from this day. And i challenge you, whatever day you may come across this, make TODAY your day 1, and see results from today. You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
Day 1 Workouts done. Energy, Fat Burner
Caloric Intake - 1700
-Jonathan Seabolt