Today is a 2 parter, The I'm doing day 11 and 12 now, then tonight i'm gonna be doing day 13. I've also decided that i'm going to make time for this blog. I was posting everyday then it got to be a few days apart. Part of keeping myself accountable is doing this blog. I haven't fallen off the wagon i'm really impressed with my results in 12 days, HOWEVER i stay more motivated when i type this. So from here on out, even if it's just a quick sentence or 2 letting you know what i've done for the day, then that's what i'll do.
Day 11.
On day 11 (Saturday) I did Energy and Red Hot Core. I finally got my Heart Rate Monitor up and running, and ran in my fat burning zone for a majority of the workout. I felt incredible. I also bought a yoga mat, i was doing yoga on hard wood floor. This wasn't a huge issue, however after the purchase of the mat, it helped my performance tremendously. I ate pretty good for the day, and went grocery shopping and bought a ton of health food.
Day 12.
On day 12 (Sunday) i didn't do an exact DDPYoga routine. My hipflexers were really tight, so i took several moves from DDPYoga and made my own routine stretching just my hipflexers out for about half an hour. It felt awesome. That's always been a "trouble area" for me and DDPYoga has helped a lot.
Something i want to touch on is what am i eating. The dietary plan for DDPYoga is based on a gluten free portion size plan. However i'm doing mostly gluten free and staying under 1800 calories. Completely gluten free is tough, and i think the best thing for me is just making healthier decisions. I feel to many people try to dive in head first instead of taking strides, and that's why they fail their weight loss goals. I'm taking baby steps and progressing everyday. Your body was not build in a day, take your time, make progress on your time while still challenging yourself and YOU WILL GET BETTER.
-Jonathan Seabolt
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