Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 23

Day 23 was jam packed.  I was busy from when i woke up at 7:30, until right this minute at 10:28 as i type this.  As i mentioned yesterday my sister is now doing DDPYoga, i woke up earlier then usual this morning to prepare breakfast.  Having her here is great because holding her accountable, is in turn holding myself accountable.
Knowing today was going to be such a busy day i decided to do DDPYoga on my lunch from work.  And i'm glad i did, because the rest of the day i was busy.  I did Fat Burner and boy did it have me sweating.  However i noticed i'm getting stronger, the 3 second push-ups i'm a lot more efficient at.  I can hold myself about 3 inches off the ground and slowly come up, it's not longer a struggle, and it's not an un-even push.  Today i mark as a huge success, and just another step in the grand scheme of things.

Another thing is to the DDPYoga community.  You guys are the best.  I love everyone i talk to in there.  And i just wanna do my best to keep you all motivated .  So remember this.  DDP is soon going to be releasing his "documercial" and is going to absolutely explode.  Chat get's tough sometimes with the 30-40 people at a time.  Imagine when it gets to be thousands.  So with that remember this, whether this is your first day, or your hundreth day, NEVER STOP.  When this place blows up, you can be the person the new guys look up to.  The way that i look up to Rob, Philly, Marv, Heidi, and EVERY SINGLE person on team ddp.  Start today, so you can be the motivation for someone tomorrow.

Thanks for reading guys, i love everyone of you all.


-Jonathan Seabolt

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