Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 25

Day 25, i woke up semi sore.  Not the sore after lifting a ton of weights and you can't move, but a i can tell i've worked my muscles and it feels good.  This sentence may make no sense to you, unless you're a yoga, DDPYoga in-particular, user.  So, i opted to at least get a small workout in, i did energy which is 22 minutes.  I didn't put a whole lot on it but enough to get a great stretch.  Didn't get any running in either but it also rained all day.  I'm not using that as an excuse, but my body was letting me know i needed to take it easy today.  I'm having trouble opening my hips, there insanely tight, it's the only place that hasn't really gained a lot of flexibility.  Any help?

Peeps there is 5 days left until my day 30 video.  I'm getting excited, i'm seeing all kinds of amazing changes, my clothes are fitting better, and some shirts that used to be a bit tight are fitting a little looser now.  And the amazing thing about this, all of this from Yoga, YES Yoga.  So many people look at me strange, i remember buying my Yoga mat at Wal-Mart and the lady scoffed.  People keep knocking it, but once you see my results in 5 days, maybe you'll give it a try.

Tomorrow i'm going to have another go at Diamond Cutter (50 minutes) and possibly some more running in the evening.  Thanks for reading.


-Jonathan Seabolt

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